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[最佳答案] dragon fruit[英][ˈdræɡən fru:t][美][ˈdræɡən frut]n.火龙果; 水果是可数的.例句:1.3d Representation: a dragon fruit ( left) and a strawberry ( right) as they lookafter being magnified by 125 times 3d照片:火龙果(上图)和草莓(下图)放大125倍之后的样子。



wu zhui sou suo : zhi sou suo , bu zhui zong , duo hui nin de yin si 。

[最佳答案] dragon fruit不可数dragon fruit[英][ˈdræɡən fru:t][美][ˈdræɡən frut]n.火龙果; 例句:1.Under the awnings that flank the road, traders offer dragon fruit, rose apples and theflowering stems of chinese cabbage. 在路上搭起的遮雨棚下,商贩提供了火龙果、光鲜亮丽的苹果

[最佳答案] dragon fruit[英][ˈdrɡən fru:t][美][ˈdræɡən frut]n.火龙果; 水果是可数的.例句:1.3d Representation:a dragon fruit ( left) and a strawberry ( right) as they lookafter bein

火龙果;水果是可数的。 br 例如: br a dragon fruit and a strawberry as they lookafter being magnified by 125 times. br 火龙果和草莓放大125倍之后的样子。

扩展资料 Others are shaped like dragon , fruit and animal symbols of that year.其他的是象征当年的龙、水果和动物的形状。 The gorgeous fruit displays at the Giant dragon!在庞

[最佳答案] 是不是单复数同行 fruit,其复数形式可以是原形或

[最佳答案] dragon fruitskiwi fruits

[最佳答案] 复数 dragonfruit复数 dragon fruit复数展开 dragon fruit (火龙果)的中心词是 fruit, dragon是修饰词,所以复数是 dragon fruits。

[最佳答案] 可数吗? dragon fruit是可数的。 dragon fruite n.火龙果。扩展资料 Since moving back to the US, I admit that I do miss eating fresh lychees and dragon fruit.自从我搬回美国后,我承认有时候确实会很怀念旁裤中国的新鲜荔枝和火龙果。 It has dragon fruit in it!有火龙果在里面! Other are shaped like dragon, fruit and anima

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《dragonfruit有复数吗,dragonfruit是什么意思》